Life is made such that it teaches you endless lessons which may leave you ponder sometimes. Even though you may not understand at the beginning, but you will finally accept what it got to offer for you. Why exactly you are here? What are your goals? What are you trying to achieve? There are lots of questions. But you may not have the answers for all these questions. You may need to be patient and wait for it to happen.
There is no point to hurry. The best is to go with the flow. Sometimes it may just be the way you wish for. Living a normal life is good enough sometimes. As we compare ourselves with others. There will be lots of differences, however, should we compare? It does not make sense to compare as we are meant to be unique, our lives are unique and in whole, this one life is heavily customized. The one who complains will continue complaining. Shall we bother? Never!
If we analyse carefully, each day brings you a new experience. Each day teaches you something that you may not realize it is important for you to know. All we need to do is to embrace and count your blessings daily. People from all walks of life. From the outer layer, it seems so perfect but do we know that no one is perfect? They face challenges in their own ways.
Rather than trying very hard to understand, it is much easier to accept this is the way it is. All we need to do is the maintain the equation so things do not blow out of proposition. Act of balancing. Life is complicated if we make it complicated. If we think it is not, then it is really it is not! It is as simple as that. Counting my blessings every day, it makes it worthwhile and helps to find pieces to finish up the puzzle. That is the end game.