Everything has got a trigger point. As a human we are so used to of robotic life. A robot does what has been programmed to. Input, process, output. A routine. Life which has been put on auto mode. Morning, afternoon and night. What are the activities in between are commitments towards people around you. Drawn, taken and sucked into web of things. So when do you actually have time for yourself, just you? There is none. Sadly this is the reality.
And it bites you really hard when you are confronted with this truth. Making it worse when you have been thrown with a trigger point that makes you think what have I done to myself? You started to think where have all these years gone? Have I not been thinking of myself? Am I being so busy caring and thinking of others but I forgot about one person that is myself? Have been putting everyone else in front of me in all matters but I did not realize that I'm missing something?
It is like someone taking a pail of water and throwing over your head. Wake up! Where have you been? Look at what you have done to yourself. You have created miseries and inflicted fears and wounds because you forgot about your self. You have lost in a thick and dense jungle. You saw everyone there but you not yourself. You helped everyone to overcome their challenges but you failed in your own race. It takes a long time to realize or even to get a slightest hint of what has transpired over the years. And we are talking about decades.
So, people say everything happens for a reason. It is a trigger point that serves as an indication to tell you to sit and reflect upon yourself. It is cause and effect. Histories, past events would flash in front of you which you wished you can go back and change it. But alas, you don't have a time machine to do it. Regretting upon past actions are useless. Thinking about it is even worst. But there is one good thing came out of it. Realization of truth. Depiction of your mental state. So they say - Mind, Body and Soul. 3 golden words.