Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Reminder To Self

Have you ever woken up one day and wondered what have you done for your self? What purpose do you bring? How are you going to make yourself worth? Each time I wake up, I wondered how the day will be for me. How will I solve my problems? What are the challenges lined up for me? All the time, we go through the same routine. How different have you thought today? Do you ever think you should make a difference everyday? Should we be reminded rather than focusing on challenges and fulfilling your daily needs you must also think of your values? Why are we so selfish sometimes? To us we must concentrate in our problems. Make it go away. We need more money to survive. We need to earn our living. We need that and this.

Little we realized we are belittling ourselves. We are confining ourselves into a small world where only two things exist - ourselves and problems. Solving our issues made us to think creatively. This is how your brains are wired anyways. But we need to teach our brain to learn and accept that not just problems exist. There are more than that. There is the Creator. He who gives and takes it away. The power of Divine whom we should lean on. He who throws the challenges on us and entrusts faith at the same time. He who complicates matters but shows you the way to entangle it. Our goal should be to instill an acceptance. An acceptance where you will open your heart and say 'I shall be positive and train my mind to think good all the times'.

How important it is for us to maintain same level of positiveness ? Believe that you can. Nothing is impossible, everything is possible. Say the mantra you should do good everyday. Let it engulf you with good feelings reflecting you are making a difference directly or indirectly. It is a reminder for myself too!

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