Sunday, September 6, 2015


I looked at the mirror today and saw my reflection which brought me back to my senses, what's happening I asked ?

At the brink of flipping thru another decade...

Little that she realised it was a complete switchover...

From an outspoken to think-before you speak. From a chatty person to a quiet one. From a argumentative person to a swallow-everything. She thought she was on top of the world. She had everything with her. Career, money and most importantly the freedom. Was she told that this world is round ? Was she told nothing is permanent ? 

Then there was a breeze. It was so cold that it numbed her.  Series of events was about to change her perspective on everything.  She thought or rather she assumed things would be sweet, rosy and cosy. But alas, first lesson was to realise she could only plan but did she ask the God of He likes it or not ? 

Therefore, she learnt she could only plan but God decides. Then, she thought she could beat this thing but it was too powerful. It is called karma. When it is meant to happen it is really meant to happen.  She loved to potray herself as a strong willed, very independent and kind of do everything by herself. Soon, she knew she was wrong too. In this world it depends what role are you playing. It is no longer about adopting i-know-it-all attitude. It's about fitting into different hats. And it is all about people.  This was second lesson.  

Third lesson was to appreciate.  As maturity sets in she was able to see life in a bigger view. Things that she took for granted once, more like sort of leisure are no longer the same. Life has changed. 

Acceptance was a cliche. Now it is slowly sinking into her like a sponge thrown into water. She used to argue and rebel putting her feet firm on what she thought was right. She was so adamant to prove herself right. It was so crucial and important for her. Eventually her mind started to digest to accept it than rather than opposing. Her mind told her, sorry, it's ain't easy. 

Where's is my future? She started to look for eternal satisfaction. Why it seems nothing I do for myself ? She questioned herself. She started to realize life has robbed one decade out of her. She looked back. She could not find the answer. But there is nothing she can change. She accepted the truth that what is meant to happen is meant to happen. 

Happiness at the greater intensity and volume is different. There's no turning back for her.  She has put her foot into it. She has to manage it somehow. All she knows is she's no longer the same person she used to be. She has mellowed. If keeping mum at certain times would save bitter moments she would do it. She is becoming good in barter trade. Sort of 'I want this, so I will give you that'. It is no longer 'Okay, I want to do this, so let's do it'. It's more like think before you do anything. Think 1001 times questioning and justifying why it has to be done. She goes across the waves, fights against her wills for benefits of others. She has become a candle which burns herself to keep the rest alive. 

Now she has to establish her identity. She has passed thru the critical moments of her life. Seems like she's in quest to search for the 'thing'. Eternity. Meanwhile, life is not over yet for her. In fact it has just started. It's brand new chapter. Waiting to be written. Good or bad ? Only God decides. But she's wiser now. She knows how to move her cards. Nevertheless, what's in store for all of us ??

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